
Enrolment Policy and General Process

The school follows the Diocesan Enrolment Policy and welcomes enquiries regarding enrolment from all parents/carers seeking a Catholic education for their daughter/son. Catholic children and children of other religions will be accepted if a vacancy is available and parents are prepared to subscribe to the philosophy of the school, as outlined in the school's Mission Statement.

Priority for acceptance of enrolment applications will be based on the following categories:

  1. Families with students already in the School.
  2. Catholic families residing within the Parish.
  3. Applications from other Catholic families.
  4. Parents who are ex-students of Holy Trinity School.
  5. Other students. 

Parents of students of other religions must understand they are committing their children to Catholic Education and that Religious Education classes are an integral and compulsory part of the curriculum for all students. There is a limited intake of other than Catholic Students provided that:

  • the Principal and Parish Priest agree;
  • there are vacancies;
  • the student participates in all Religious Education programs;
  • following an interview with the parents the principal is convinced that they are in complete agreement with the philosophies and practices of the school. 

Children with “support needs” may be enrolled (in accordance with procedures established by the Catholic Schools Office and published in a brochure included in the Enrolment package) provided that the school can offer adequate facilities and personnel to cater for the needs and development of these students throughout their education at Holy Trinity School. 

The age guidelines for compulsory schooling, legislated by the State Government, will be adhered to.

Where a family has students accepted for enrolment, the school accepts a commitment to provide an ongoing place for the students of that family provided that behavioural and financial arrangements, etc. are satisfactory to the school. 

The school will attempt to ensure that closing dates for enrolment applications are made known through Prospectus materials and the school Newsletter. However, once the advertised closing date has passed, it may not be possible to service late applications. Some applications may be unsuccessful. Waiting lists may be developed and implemented when and where necessary.

The process for enrolling at Holy Trinity is as follows:

1. Parents/carers complete the Enrolment Form, which must be signed by both parents if they share responsibility for the student’s schooling.

2. Copies of the following documents are to be returned to the school, together with the Enrolment Form:

  • Proof of student’s residential address (rates notice, electricity account)
  • Birth Certificate or identity documents
  • Copies of family law or other relevant court orders
  • Copy of Immunisation history statement
  • Copies of Baptismal certificate and other sacramental documents (if applicable)
  • Reports from previous schools (for Years 1-10)
  • If the student is not a Permanent Resident a passport and visa is required

3. The Registrar will contact the parents/carers to arrange an enrolment interview with the Principal and Assistant Principal. Both the parents and the student attend this interview.

4. Parents/carers are usually advised by telephone of the outcome of the application. If the application is successful, an Acceptance Interview and commencement date is determined. A comprehensive Enrolment Acceptance Form is completed by all parties who are responsible for the enrolment of the student. This binds parents to the enrolment conditions, including the full and frank disclosure of all information relating to the child at the time of enrolment and the timely payment of fees. 

Kindergarten Enrolments

  1. Parents obtain the Enrolment Package at the Open Day and complete the Application Form, which is returned with the required documentation (as listed above).
  2. Parents are contacted by the Registrar to arrange a meeting time with the Principal early in Term 3. Parents and the child attend this meeting. 
  3. Places are offered in Term 3. The transition process commences in Term 3 and concludes in Term 4 with Orientation visits and a Parent Information Meeting. 

Year 7 Enrolments

Holy Trinity accepts students from Catholic primary schools in the local area subject to vacancies. Students who wish to enrol in the Secondary Department must meet the enrolment criteria.

The Year 7 Enrolment Process is as follows:

  1. Parents obtain the Enrolment Package at the Open Day and complete the Application Form, which is returned with the required documentation (as listed above).
  2. Parents are contacted to arrange an enrolment interview with the Principal and Assistant Principal. This is attended by parents and the student.
  3. Places for successful applicants are offered in Term 3. The transition process commences in Term 3 and is ongoing. The Parent Information meeting is part of this process and takes place in Term 3.

Other Year Groups

Students may be accepted in other year groups if vacancies exist. The enrolment process follows the steps included in the General Enrolment Section above. 

Departure from Holy Trinity

Parents/carers are required to notify the Principal in writing of any intended student departure and to complete a Student Departure Form, which is available from the Principal's Secretary. All outstanding fees are to be paid prior to departure and any school resources such as texts or library books returned. 

It is a legal requirement that parents/carers of children under the minimum school leaving age of 17 provide Holy Trinity School with the name and location of the school where their child has been enrolled prior to departure.


HTS Enrolment Form

Enrolment Policy


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